My Health Your Money

Welcome back! In this blog I am sharing my thoughts and experiences while trying to survive being in lockdown during covid-19. In my first blog I share my double hitter on finding health  help for keeping my immune systerm strong and developing an income at the same time. Well, I must admit I'm feeling pretty goodMind you, I have followed the instructions for social distancing and waring a face  mask to the letter. So far, so good . I don't want you to think my story ends there. First of all I don't believe in having one source of income no matter how society is looking. Instead I have continued to look for other sources of income. I have experienced my share of financial losses signing up with people who were less than honorable. On the other hand I am experiencing a number of other successes that I would like to share with you. Before I tell you about my other finds, I would like to share my thoughts on education. Before starting my financial ventures I was so proud of the fact that I had a bachelor and master degree in business education.When I started my accadenic path to higher education my reasons were two fold. I wanted to  become more knowledgeble and qualify for better jobs. Well, the knowledge I gained was great. But the better jobs did not materialize. It seemed I had another issue going against me and that was my age. I was in my mid-fifties and though our age isn't suppose to play a factor in being hired for a job, but it does. The way employers get around that fine fact is to ask what appears to be a harmless question and that question is "What year did you graduate from high school?" The approach is suttle but to the point. That is the beauty of the internet. No one cares. The new question is, "Can you sell our product or service? Do you know how to meneuver on and gain a viewing audience on the internet. Well I have found an education center for learning how to do just that. 

Granted, making ones self knowledgeble is never a waist of time but paying too much for that knowledge is a crime. The loans I took out for three degrees, bachelor, master, and doctoral put me in debit to the tune of over $207,000 including accrude interest. If I had found out about this internet marketing education center before I started my higher learning I would have done the reverse. I would have learned how to make a living on the internet first and then pursued my higher learning when I could no doubt afford it! The internet education center is the Anthony Morrison Education Center and it doesn't require a fraction of what the four year universities cost.  Highly recommend trying this link as one of the many internet source for income to try, just click this link...  Feel free to write a comment on what you think.


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